Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sean's Website

My brother Sean has a (mainly political) blog/website that I really like if you're interested in checking it out sometime. It's

My sister-in-law Sarah also contributes occasionally to the blog.



Sean Michael said...

Hey Carrie, nice work. Nick is ridiculously huge! When did he grow that much? You've done a good job here.

BTW, flat Alli is on her way back home. We're looking forward to seeing all of you.

Carrie and Brett said...

Thanks Sean! I'm glad that you enjoy the site...I enjoy doing it! Yes, Nick has gotten pretty big. I think he was forced to get bigger a little quicker than he had planned when Catherine came along. You know of course that his head has always been pretty big! :)

Thanks again for taking care of flat Alli! We can't wait to see the pictures! We will be there from October 17th to the 19th to visit you guys. Looking forward to a great time!